Papi_avail for SandyBridge E5-2680

Available PAPI preset and user defined events plus hardware information.
PAPI Version             :
Vendor string and code   : GenuineIntel (1)
Model string and code    : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz (45)
CPU Revision             : 6.000000
CPUID Info               : Family: 6  Model: 45  Stepping: 6
CPU Max Megahertz        : 2700
CPU Min Megahertz        : 1200
Hdw Threads per core     : 2
Cores per Socket         : 8
Sockets                  : 2
NUMA Nodes               : 2
CPUs per Node            : 16
Total CPUs               : 32
Running in a VM          : no
Number Hardware Counters : 11
Max Multiplex Counters   : 32

  PAPI Preset Events
    Name        Code    Deriv Description (Note)
PAPI_L1_DCM  0x80000000  No   Level 1 data cache misses
PAPI_L1_ICM  0x80000001  No   Level 1 instruction cache misses
PAPI_L2_DCM  0x80000002  Yes  Level 2 data cache misses
PAPI_L2_ICM  0x80000003  No   Level 2 instruction cache misses
PAPI_L1_TCM  0x80000006  Yes  Level 1 cache misses
PAPI_L2_TCM  0x80000007  No   Level 2 cache misses
PAPI_L3_TCM  0x80000008  No   Level 3 cache misses
PAPI_TLB_DM  0x80000014  Yes  Data translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_TLB_IM  0x80000015  No   Instruction translation lookaside buffer misses
PAPI_L1_LDM  0x80000017  No   Level 1 load misses
PAPI_L1_STM  0x80000018  No   Level 1 store misses
PAPI_L2_STM  0x8000001a  No   Level 2 store misses
PAPI_STL_ICY 0x80000025  No   Cycles with no instruction issue
PAPI_BR_UCN  0x8000002a  Yes  Unconditional branch instructions
PAPI_BR_CN   0x8000002b  No   Conditional branch instructions
PAPI_BR_TKN  0x8000002c  Yes  Conditional branch instructions taken
PAPI_BR_NTK  0x8000002d  No   Conditional branch instructions not taken
PAPI_BR_MSP  0x8000002e  No   Conditional branch instructions mispredicted
PAPI_BR_PRC  0x8000002f  Yes  Conditional branch instructions correctly predicted
PAPI_TOT_INS 0x80000032  No   Instructions completed
PAPI_FP_INS  0x80000034  Yes  Floating point instructions
PAPI_LD_INS  0x80000035  No   Load instructions
PAPI_SR_INS  0x80000036  No   Store instructions
PAPI_BR_INS  0x80000037  No   Branch instructions
PAPI_TOT_CYC 0x8000003b  No   Total cycles
PAPI_L2_DCH  0x8000003f  Yes  Level 2 data cache hits
PAPI_L2_DCA  0x80000041  No   Level 2 data cache accesses
PAPI_L3_DCA  0x80000042  Yes  Level 3 data cache accesses
PAPI_L2_DCR  0x80000044  No   Level 2 data cache reads
PAPI_L3_DCR  0x80000045  No   Level 3 data cache reads
PAPI_L2_DCW  0x80000047  No   Level 2 data cache writes
PAPI_L3_DCW  0x80000048  No   Level 3 data cache writes
PAPI_L2_ICH  0x8000004a  No   Level 2 instruction cache hits
PAPI_L2_ICA  0x8000004d  No   Level 2 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_L3_ICA  0x8000004e  No   Level 3 instruction cache accesses
PAPI_L2_ICR  0x80000050  No   Level 2 instruction cache reads
PAPI_L3_ICR  0x80000051  No   Level 3 instruction cache reads
PAPI_L2_TCA  0x80000059  Yes  Level 2 total cache accesses
PAPI_L3_TCA  0x8000005a  No   Level 3 total cache accesses
PAPI_L2_TCR  0x8000005c  Yes  Level 2 total cache reads
PAPI_L3_TCR  0x8000005d  Yes  Level 3 total cache reads
PAPI_L2_TCW  0x8000005f  No   Level 2 total cache writes
PAPI_L3_TCW  0x80000060  No   Level 3 total cache writes
PAPI_FDV_INS 0x80000063  No   Floating point divide instructions
PAPI_FP_OPS  0x80000066  Yes  Floating point operations
PAPI_SP_OPS  0x80000067  Yes  Floating point operations; optimized to count scaled single precision vector operations
PAPI_DP_OPS  0x80000068  Yes  Floating point operations; optimized to count scaled double precision vector operations
PAPI_VEC_SP  0x80000069  Yes  Single precision vector/SIMD instructions
PAPI_VEC_DP  0x8000006a  Yes  Double precision vector/SIMD instructions
PAPI_REF_CYC 0x8000006b  No   Reference clock cycles

  User Defined Events
    Name        Code    Deriv Description (Note)
Of 50 available events, 17 are derived.



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